2020: My Favorite Gigs

Anyone who knows me knows I don't get out much other than to see live music, so the shutdown of venues and diy spaces REALLY threw a wrench into my social life. Thankfully, I did get to a bunch of good gigs before everything went to hell in a handbasket. Now that shows have been back for a couple months, reflecting on what life was like pre-pandemic is a bit easier. But what really bums me out are all the gigs I planned on seeing but got postponed or cancelled, including Horse Lords x2, The Hecks, Dry Cleaning with Marbled Eye, Cable Ties, Control Top with Weeping Icon and Droids Blood, Negative Scanner, Ethers, Good Morning, Thom Yorke, Puzzlehead with National Photo Committee and Porno Glows, The Cowboys, The Chats, M.A.Z.E., Amyl and The Sniffers with C.O.F.F.I.N, The Beths, Sheer Mag, Stereolab, They Might Be Giants, DEHD, Protomartyr, Kraftwerk 3D, and Squarepusher. And that's just what had been announced! But enough of what I didn't get to see, here's the best o...