2019: My Favorite EPs/Demos/Singles/Live Recordings/etc.

I often tell people that I'll be late to my own funeral, so it comes as no surprise that I'm posting my next top 25 list of 2019 on April 21st. Anyway, these here are some of my favorite shorter releases from last year. Collate - Symptomatic With a title like that and songs named Symptom, Stabilize/Receive, and Medicine, this is post-punk that is truly a sign of the times. Constant Mongrel - Experts In Skin Two new angular post-punk cuts from these Australian vets with a dick joke for a name. The Cool Greenhouse - Crap Cardboard Pet Simple. Repetitive. Different. That's what Tom Greenhouse is going for, and the results are marvelous. Casio beats, one-note guitar licks, a smattering of bass guitar and keys, and silly lyrics delivered in a deadpan speak-singing style. It all wraps up into a bizarre and fun post-punk package. Cool indeed. The Cool Greenhouse - Landlords b/w 4Chan Yeah that's right, two releases from the same band. My blog, my rules. Get used...